You may have heard the rumors....and they are true. Here it is EuroChocolate: 10 days of chocolate heaven. It would only have been more heavenly if there was actually free chocolate. Instead, you have to buy it. There are a lot of opinions on the worth of this chocolate festival -- cultural vs. commercial. In my opinion, it was awesome. Like I said, more free chocolate would have been nice. They did also sell these "Chococards" which gave you some free tastings and alleged discounts... but it didn't seem worth it, at all. In any event, here's what Perugia looked like for 10 glorious days in October....
Don't forget about Floppy, Goldie, Bonkie, Princess Georgia, Woody, Chickie, Jake, Spanky, Matteo, Maddy, Saddie and all other doggie relatives past and present :)
And it just keeps going and going and going.... chocolate covered banana anyone?