Hello Forced Followers of my blog,
Well after many miles traveled, cities visited, family and friends saluted, and laps around the Colosseum, I am back in Philly and wondering what to do with myself next. It's over! My quasi-year in Italy is over! I can't believe it. I mean, I knew it was coming; I was coming home and I felt prepared, but noooooooo! Now it's over and I am sad. Who is going to speak Italian with me? Where am I going to get my gelato fix? What was I thinking coming home? Why would I ever leave bella Italia!?!? And even worse, now I have to think about jobs! Ugh.
Okay, well now that I got that out, I can reminisce about the great places I visited and the amazing people I met. I had an amazing March and April in Italy which I have completely left you in the dark about. I left Rome on a cold, rainy March 5, 2010 to find a chilly, but fortunately, sunny and dry Florence. I spent 5 blissful days wandering around town, doing nothing and everything. I visited with my Italian boyfriend, David. He's quite tall at 14' high with penetrating eyes, great abs and a nice butt. You aren't allowed to take pictures, but I like to break rules, so I snuck this one in as the "hall monitors" were chatting in a corner completely oblivious. It's just a bit out of focus.
Here's a shot from the steps of the Duomo, before I made the journey to the top of the tower. Note to all tourists: the perfect time to visit Florence and never stand in line is early March. Granted, it's a little chilly and might rain, but there are noooooo lines which, you may know from experience, is not the norm.
I love Florence. I should have lived there for a while this year. Should have, could have, would have. What else is new... at least I visited a handful of times. It's not too big, not too small. Easy to get around, clean, beautiful, happy. People seem genuinely happy there. Maybe it's just all the tourists, maybe it's me, maybe it's the gelato.
Speaking of gelato.... your Tuscan dreams have come true! This May is the first annual Gelato Festival in Florence! Like I said, why on earth did I leave? Festival del Gelato, May 28-31, 2010. If you thought Florence was full of tourists when you were there, then don't go this particular weekend -- I am having flashbacks to Perugia's Chocolate Festival which turned my tiny hilltop town into Hershey Park, Pennsylvania.
One awesome item I found on the website: le ricette (the recipes)! Knock yourself out! Unfortunately, it's in Italian and there is no English version. Once I am back in LA and settled, I'll let you know how it turns out. http://www.firenzegelatofestival.it/site/d_page.asp?IDPagina=23
That's all for now. There are just too many wonderful things to say about Florence. I guess there will have to be a Florence Part II sometime in the future. Arrivaderci!